Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Day 2 (or -1)


Wifey mentioned that she wanted to hit the gym today. She also had an appointment to go to. I forgot to set my alarm, overslept and woke up without enough time to hit the gym before she needed to do her things. I ended up going around 4:00 pm, as it was New Year's Eve and I had the day off.

Now I typically hit the gym between 5:00 and 7:00 am, so 12 hours difference was a big difference. No one from my usual early shift was around, and the weight room was crowded with "young folks." I bopped through my workout. It was the second day of a new 12 week program, which has me doing far less work than what I have been doing the last six weeks (repeating the final phase of the Challenge workout).

I was also feeling guilty about my needing to take four days off to fight the flu and the amount of garbage I ate over the holidays, so I did an hour on the elliptical and wrapped things up with some ab work (my new motto is "everyday is ab day" or "core strength is more strength").

Workout Two - Back and Traps
Pull Ups - 2x8, 2x6
Rack Deadlifts - 245 x 2 x 10
Bent Over Row - 165 x 2 x 10 front grip, 165 x 2 x 10 rear grip
Barbell Shrug - 205 x 2 x 10
Dumbell Shrug - 75 x 2 x 10

Elliptical - 60 mins
Torso Twists - 110 x 4 x 25

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