Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year

January 1, 2013

This time last year I was on the mat as much as possible, training hard to get my blue belt in BJJ. I was also inspired by my friend Sam to begin training for a marathon. I had been running with her as she prepared for the 2012 Disney Marathon. I counted my New Year's Day run of last year to be the official kick-off to my marathon training.

I received my blue belt last February and completed my first marathon just six months ago. While both of these events seem like they happened just yesterday, I find my self surprised to look back at setting my goals for 2012 and feeling like I should have set longer-range goals. When I received my blue belt, my marathon training was ramping up. I found that the amount of running I was doing didn't lend itself to the physical nature of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu training and I needed to cut back on BJJ to keep preparing for my marathon.

After the marathon, I started riding my bike and trail running to keep myself motivated and active. I also resumed BJJ training as much as my schedule would allow. While content to continue with my rides and runs, part of me craved the next goal. I knew I wasn't interested in trying to squeeze another big race into my year (wifey was as burnt out on race training as I was), and luckily I fell into the Challenge at my gym.

This year I'm feeling really positive about my goal of competing at the GSO. Its at the end of October, leaving me ten months of time to train. I hope I can maintain my perspective. I was also pleased to learn that my sister-in-law, Beth, received a new bicycle from her sister-in-law. While it is unreasonable to think that we can share bike rides (we've never run together either, just a race we ran, but at different paces) I hope we can benefit from a mutual interest. Beth did mention something that surprised me. She is interested in competing in the Pumpkinman Triathalon in September of 2013. Do I dare step up to the challenge of a triathalon?

Resolutions for 2013-
Rest more.
Seek balance, everywhere.
Challenge yourself.
Appreciate your life.
Don't be limited.
Enjoy your family.

Slept in again today. Didn't get up until 9:30 or so. It felt wonderful. I was sure that my vacation was going to be business as usual (up before 5:00, hit the gym early, double sessions) but I was so wrong. While getting sick stunk and frustrated me, it forced me to rest and I needed that. Last night's rest was just fantastic. Coffee was super tasty today and I enjoyed puttering about the house in my jammies for a while, so I hit the gym sometime after noon.

The gym was pretty quiet again. I ran into Dave Whitney and we caught up. I didn't see Caley, but I'm looking forward to having a chance to talk with her about my plan. I'm still working on getting acquainted with the new workout. Establishing weights for workouts of five exercises with two sets of six to ten reps is way more tricky than it appears. Lots of trial and error.

Workout Three - Legs
Squats - 225 x 2 x 10
Stiff Leg Deadlift - 225 x 2 x 10
Leg Extension 165 x 2 x 10
Barbell Lunges (rear) - 120 x 2 x 10, 90 x 5 to deload

Stair Mill - 20 mins.
Lying leg-hip raise - 25 x 4

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