Thursday, February 21, 2013

Friday February 15, 2013

Last night Lori and I were enjoying our Valentine’s Day (she was finishing a glass of wine as we sat at the kitchen table after dinner) and chatting. We talked about our days, and I began to share with her my experience at yoga, as I’ve been complaining  lately about how there isn’t decent yoga gear for guys and most gym clothing causes some problems in different poses. So I explain how I wore a tank top, but was really self conscious, as I never wear them.

“It’s the middle of winter. No one is tan. Don’t sweat it,” Lori replied.

“Well, that wasn’t necessarily it honey. I just kind of felt like a mook. To make it worse, class was pretty busy, and I got there just as it started, so I was up at the front, next to the teacher, right by the mirrored wall. Through class I had a view of my reflection. As we were going through the vinyasas the cuts in my biceps and triceps were popping and you could clearly see the definition in my upper chest. I was like…WOW.”

“See, “ she said, “you’re finally starting to get it.”

Maybe I am finally starting to get it. I mean, I should be getting it. Nobody at the gym has second guessed my decision to train up and people are encouraging me. That being said, it’s still a secret to the rest of my life.

Just before bed last night the phone rang. We were watching TV and the called ID popped up on the screen. There were a shit ton of numbers, which could only mean it was my brother Phil calling from India. He and his wife have been there for two years now, and they’re finishing up the paperwork to move back to the states. We chatted for a bit and he asked me for some advice. He wanted my opinion on if he should come back two weeks before his wife. Seems he’s done with India and very homesick. I suggested that he tough it out and comeback as a family. It will be a big deal for everyone, and he should be there.
After we talked business, we chatted a bit. He’s anxious to get home, get access to “real food” again (guess he’s living on lentils and sick of them). He wants to resume his yoga practice and start working out again. I hope I can convince him to train up with me when he can and also teach me some yoga India style.

Woke up around 3:00 am today. Tossed and turned a bit and felt a twinge in my right hip flexor. It was mildly irritated the other morning, but warmed up quickly once I started moving around. I tried to position myself so I could stretch it out a bit in bed. It was bothering me after I got up as well, and I was worried it may wipe out my workout today. I babied it. Hit it with some Ben-gay before the gym, and tried to take it easy. No issues during my warm-up run. No issues during my lifts. No issues during my abs. Throughout the day I have been trying to get up and move around as often as possible.

Workout rocked today. Was intimidated by the Smith Machine High Incline Shoulder Press, as I’d never done anything like that before. Loaded up the plates and went to town. Love that lift now. Military presses kicked my ass as I tried to pyramid. Couldn’t break 60 lbs today. Laterals also humbled me. I had gotten really used to doing L-laterals. Crushed the rear delts. Crushed them good. Forgot how much I liked those. Ab work is so much less of a chore than it used to be.

Workout: Shoulders & Abdominals
5 Minute Warm up - run
Smith Machine High Incline Shoulder Press          85 x 2 x 15, 115 x 12, 130 x10, 155 x 8
Seated Dumbbell Military Press                                                 55 x 12, 60 x 10, 60 x 8
Barbell Upright Row                                                        95 x 12, 115 x 10, 125 x 12
Standing Dumbbell Side Lateral Raises                    25 x 10, 20 x 12, 20 x 10
Bent-Over Dumbbell Reverse Flys (Rear Delt)     45 x 12, 47.5 x 12, 50 x 12
Decline Sit-Ups (Roman Chair)                                   3 x 25
Seated Knee Tucks (Bench)                                         3 x 25
Stability Ball Crunches                                                    3 x 25
Lying Leg Raises (Floor)                                                                 3 x 25

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