Thursday, February 14, 2013

Thursday February 14, 2013

“Free your mind and your ass will follow.” – George Clinton

Sean gave me some advice last night that resonated with me:
“Try not to over exert, we’re trying to create lean mass, but don’t get obsessive with the numbers either or the scale. Try not to weigh yourself for the next four weeks. Scales don’t mean shit!”

I thought about it. He is right. Getting wound around the axle with numbers at this point won’t help me at this point of my journey, and it won’t serve me any good in terms of sorting my head and perceptions out either.  So while I’m a complete junkie when it comes to tracking progress, metrics, goals and etc., I’ll have to take a step back, and that will be hard to justify.

Reasons why I should be ok with ditching the scale:

  • My weight fluctuates more based upon my level of hydration and what is sitting in my gut then my caloric intake and the amount of work I do.
  • In an ideal state my body would be “recomping” over the next 16 weeks (turning fat into muscle without gaining fat losing muscle). I reached that point at the end of the Physique Challenge. If this were to happen during BAB, I’d spend 16 weeks staring at 190 every day and probably lose my mind.
  • Not that I’m a vain person, but I’m at the point where I look as good naked as I do in clothes. Do numbers matter when you hit that point?
  • If I follow the plan, the scale is not necessary.

For the next four weeks the only weight I’m going to focus on is the amount of weight I crush each time I enter the gym. I have the blueprint, I just need to stop thinking and follow it.

In other news-
Lately I seem to be entering REM sleep quite rapidly. A few times in the last week I have woken up within two hours of having gone to sleep and have experienced quite vivid dreams in the rather short amount of time. I feel as though I’m experiencing deeper sleep in shorted cycles. On top of this I have received some subtle internal suggestions that my testosterone levels are normal or better than normal. I’m also back to waking roughly a half hour before my alarm is scheduled to go off.

Yoga rocked today. I really needed to loosen up, both physically and mentally. Lots of core work and I was feeling strong. Its funny, I never really embraced ab work until recently, and now that I do it regularly, its getting much easier. The instructor brought up a good point after class. She paraphrased a quote from Buddah. “Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting someone else to die.”

If something (an action, behavior, feeling, emotion, response, anything) doesn’t serve you positively, let it go and move on.

Workout: Yoga

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